
Trace of the Afghan war

Trace of the Afghan war

Afghan war... As there is a lot of and a little we know about her. She has disappeared and for incomplete ten years has claimed many thousands of the lives of soldiers internationalists. This war by the black wing has concerned our many families, having brought with itself zinc coffins, legless, armless, blind, seriously ill young people. The war in Afghanistan is a grief, first of all, those who directly participated in her. For the others she far, others, unclear, though is closer on time.

The help to the friendly Afghan people and protection of the southern boundaries of our Homeland became the official version of input of our troops to Afghanistan.

On December 25, 1979 at 15:00 input of the narrow contingent of the Soviet troops on the territory of Afghanistan, through Kushka to Herat and Kandahar has begun, and is farther to Kabul. On airfields in Kabul military transport planes began to land, bringing the first Soviet troops to Afghanistan. Ten years' Afghan war has so begun …

In fighting in the Democratic Republic Afghanistan the majority to the ushedshiyena have come back home, having died with honor and advantage, having fulfilled the military duty. Every third for service in Afghanistan is awarded war decorations.

The memory of Afghanistan is bitter … Long time about her wasn't allowed to tell and even to think.

Now we sacredly revere memory of the Afghan war. Her history is written by blood of soldiers and tears of mothers, obelisks with tin asterisks and songs which have rushed front wind into our life.

In medical college of the city of Zhezkazgan which main case is located on the street bearing a name of the soldier – the internationalist VasilyTaradaya who has died in Afghanistan there has taken place the action devoted 28 – to the anniversary from the date of a withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan.

Have been invited to an action: the soldier – the internationalist, the veteran - "Afghan" Kasimovnurlantulegenovich, the clubman of soldiers – Afghans of the city of Zhezkazgan and also BimuratovKaysarAmangaliyevich - the chairman of the union of veterans, combatants on the Tajik-Afghan border and local wars around the city Zhezkazgani his colleague Mamedov Samir Rafig – Oglou.

After performance of the Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan, guests and students were addressed by the chairman of profsozny committee of medical college - Cai L.T. She welcomed veterans also has told what was meant by this war for all then. As it was heavy to mothers whose sons have appeared in Afghanistan.

Each of guests has shared the reminiscence. Zadavayaim questions, students of college have learned and have experienced even stronger that military spirit about which they were penetrating told by soldiers - veterans. The chairman of the union of veterans is Bimuratov K.A. I have told about plans creation of military patriotic club for teenagers where the youth will be trained in bases of drill and skills of first-aid treatment. It will be easier for children further in choice of profession.

Quite so, in close communication interest in country history, sense of patriotism and desire to rise in defense of the Fatherland also develops.

 Trace of the Afghan war

 Trace of the Afghan war

 Trace of the Afghan war

 Trace of the Afghan war

 Trace of the Afghan war

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