

In KGKP "Medical College of the City of Zhezkazgan" the obshchekolledzhny meeting with parents concerning prophylaxis of autodestruktivny behavior among teenagers and visit of the suicidal websites took place.

09.02.2017 in KGKP "Medical College of the City of Zhezkazgan" the obshchekolledzhny meeting with parents concerning prophylaxis of autodestruktivny behavior among teenagers and visit of the suicidal websites took place. Competent experts were invited to a meeting:

  •     The secretary of the commission on affairs and protection of the rights of minors at the akim of the city of Zhezkazgan-Abzhamelova Kamesh Shakarmanovna;
  •     Expert Aktsionernogo society "Kazakhtelecom" - Kazbekova Zhuldyz Batyrbekovna;
  •     The senior inspector of juvenile police of local police service Departments of Internal Affairs Zhezkazgan, the captain of police - Kurmanbayeva Zhansaule Boltirikovna;
  •     The psychologist of "The nursery of a public reception" is Monastic Lilia Aleksandrovna

To each guest of a meeting it was given the floor for a performance. Upon termination of a meeting parents asked questions to experts.

The psychologist Monastic L.A. gave full information to parents on history of emergence of such websites as "A blue whale", "The quiet house", "Wake me at 4:20". Objyasnilakak administrators of such games what stages there pass teenagers act to get into these closed groups to what changes parents should pay attention in behavior of the teenager how to talk to children how to find to them approach.

The representative of JSC Kazakhtelecom told about service "Parent control" which allows to put automatically interlockings on various forbidden websites. About the service cost, age qualification, about a possibility of adjustment of temporary control of connection of the Internet in the house etc.

The secretary of the commission on protection of the rights of minors of the city of Zhezkazgan is AbzhamelovaK.Sh., appealed to parents and teachers of college, to pay attention to the slightest changes in behavior of children.

The senior inspector of YuP Ministry of Railways Department of Internal Affairs, the police captain – KurmanbayevaZh.B. reported that the prosecutor's office of the city and the Department of Internal Affairs already works on this problem. I brought up questions and other character, such as neglect among minors, a problem of sexual integrity, early pregnancy, abortions, religious extremism and terrorism. I reminded parents that the best adviser and the psychologist at children their own parents. I asked parents and teachers to watch that students didn't commit offense.

Parentsactivly asked questions and received irrefragable answers. Thanked the invited guests and administration of college for obtained useful information.

 In KGKP "Medical College of the City of Zhezkazgan" the obshchekolledzhny meeting with parents concerning prophylaxis of autodestruktivny behavior among teenagers and visit of the suicidal websites took place.

 In KGKP "Medical College of the City of Zhezkazgan" the obshchekolledzhny meeting with parents concerning prophylaxis of autodestruktivny behavior among teenagers and visit of the suicidal websites took place.

 In KGKP "Medical College of the City of Zhezkazgan" the obshchekolledzhny meeting with parents concerning prophylaxis of autodestruktivny behavior among teenagers and visit of the suicidal websites took place.

 In KGKP "Medical College of the City of Zhezkazgan" the obshchekolledzhny meeting with parents concerning prophylaxis of autodestruktivny behavior among teenagers and visit of the suicidal websites took place.

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