
Information on the held event for the annual Message of the President of Kazakhstan

Information on the held event for the annual Message of the President of Kazakhstan

On January 31, 2017 in KGKP "Medical College of the City of Zhezkazgan" the training on a subject has taken place: "Creation of steady political system in RK" where were present administration of college and students.

The training has begun with display of the video message of the President of Kazakhstan NursultanAbishevichanazarbayev made on the eve of January 30. In a training the Message of the head of state "Third modernization and global competitiveness" was discussed. The slide on a subject "Sustainable political development of Kazakhstanai the Message of the President of Kazakhstan "Third modernization and global competitiveness" has been shown to participants of a training.

Participants of a training consider that the message of the President N. Nazarbayev plays an important role in future development of Kazakhstan and believe that the country, being guided by this Message, by all means will achieve bolshikhuspekh in implementation of the plans.

During work of a training participants have discussed, five main priorities noted by the President. It was hotly discussed вопрособ improvement of quality of the human capital. All participants of discussion have come to the general opinion that in our society there is the main condition for implementation of five priority tasks – unity of the people of Kazakhstan.

In a table zaklyucheniitrening participants have agreed in opinion that the Message of the President of Kazakhstan has the concrete and purposeful character contributing to the further development of the country.

 Information on the held event for the annual Message of the President of Kazakhstan

 Information on the held event for the annual Message of the President of Kazakhstan

 Information on the held event for the annual Message of the President of Kazakhstan

 Information on the held event for the annual Message of the President of Kazakhstan

 Information on the held event for the annual Message of the President of Kazakhstan

 Information on the held event for the annual Message of the President of Kazakhstan

 Information on the held event for the annual Message of the President of Kazakhstan

 Information on the held event for the annual Message of the President of Kazakhstan

 Information on the held event for the annual Message of the President of Kazakhstan

 Information on the held event for the annual Message of the President of Kazakhstan



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