

In KGKP "Medical College of the City of Zhezkazgan" within the movement "The City without Drugs" there has taken place the competition of drawings on a subject: "Tell drugs – NO!"»

In KGKP "Medical College of the City of Zhezkazgan" within the movement "The City without Narcotics" there took place the competition of drawings on a subject: "Tell narcotics – NO!" among students of 1,2 courses. The best drawings were noted by diplomas and gifts. Also preventive discussions by curators of groups about harm of narcotics and prophylaxis AIDS were led.

In November in college for holding a preventive conversation with students the psychologist of an addictology of the city of ZhezkazganMironova V.V. was invited.

Students of college participated in city campaigns within the month of fight against AIDS. Round tables with students with the invitation of the psychologist of the AIDS city center BektasovaM.Sh. to a subject were carried out: "An epidemiological situation on HIV – an infection. Measures of prophylaxis, way of transfer".

With students seminars – trainings with participation of OO "Zhastarp_k_r _" and KGKP of "The Karaganda regional center for prophylaxis and fight about AIDS" were held. Teachers and students of college upon termination of actions were awarded with diplomas and certificates of volunteers.

Students of older years take active part in stocks of ZOZh, a flashmob stocks.

 In KGKP "Medical College of the City of Zhezkazgan" within the movement "The City without Drugs" there has taken place the competition of drawings on a subject: "Tell drugs – NO!"

 In KGKP "Medical College of the City of Zhezkazgan" within the movement "The City without Drugs" there has taken place the competition of drawings on a subject: "Tell drugs – NO!"

 In KGKP "Medical College of the City of Zhezkazgan" within the movement "The City without Drugs" there has taken place the competition of drawings on a subject: "Tell drugs – NO!"

 In KGKP "Medical College of the City of Zhezkazgan" within the movement "The City without Drugs" there has taken place the competition of drawings on a subject: "Tell drugs – NO!"

 In KGKP "Medical College of the City of Zhezkazgan" within the movement "The City without Drugs" there has taken place the competition of drawings on a subject: "Tell drugs – NO!"

 In KGKP "Medical College of the City of Zhezkazgan" within the movement "The City without Drugs" there has taken place the competition of drawings on a subject: "Tell drugs – NO!"

 In KGKP "Medical College of the City of Zhezkazgan" within the movement "The City without Drugs" there has taken place the competition of drawings on a subject: "Tell drugs – NO!"

 In KGKP "Medical College of the City of Zhezkazgan" within the movement "The City without Drugs" there has taken place the competition of drawings on a subject: "Tell drugs – NO!"

 In KGKP "Medical College of the City of Zhezkazgan" within the movement "The City without Drugs" there has taken place the competition of drawings on a subject: "Tell drugs – NO!"

 In KGKP "Medical College of the City of Zhezkazgan" within the movement "The City without Drugs" there has taken place the competition of drawings on a subject: "Tell drugs – NO!"

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