
On October 20, 2016 in KGKP

On October 20, 2016 in KGKP "Medical College of the City of Zhezkazgan" the festive action for students of the new set "Dedication in Students — 2016" has taken place.

On October 20, 2016 in KGKP "Medical College of the City of Zhezkazgan" the festive action for students of the new set "Dedication in Students — 2016" has taken place.

The principal Ranova Lyazzat Nabiyevna has congratulated the students who have received permits in student's life and has wished them success on the way to knowledge.

On an action there has taken place the awards ceremony of activists of college for good study and active participation in public life of college and the city from city branch of Nurotan party, from the Youth resource center and on behalf of the principal.

In The Best Activists of Year nomination students have won 3 courses: Kabdeldayev Merey and Rayymov Aktota

The action has taken place at the high level.

 On October 20, 2016 in KGKP "Medical College of the City of Zhezkazgan" the festive action for students of the new set "Dedication in Students — 2016" has taken place.

 On October 20, 2016 in KGKP "Medical College of the City of Zhezkazgan" the festive action for students of the new set "Dedication in Students — 2016" has taken place.

 On October 20, 2016 in KGKP "Medical College of the City of Zhezkazgan" the festive action for students of the new set "Dedication in Students — 2016" has taken place.

 On October 20, 2016 in KGKP "Medical College of the City of Zhezkazgan" the festive action for students of the new set "Dedication in Students — 2016" has taken place.

 On October 20, 2016 in KGKP "Medical College of the City of Zhezkazgan" the festive action for students of the new set "Dedication in Students — 2016" has taken place.

 On October 20, 2016 in KGKP "Medical College of the City of Zhezkazgan" the festive action for students of the new set "Dedication in Students — 2016" has taken place.

 On October 20, 2016 in KGKP "Medical College of the City of Zhezkazgan" the festive action for students of the new set "Dedication in Students — 2016" has taken place.

 On October 20, 2016 in KGKP "Medical College of the City of Zhezkazgan" the festive action for students of the new set "Dedication in Students — 2016" has taken place.

 On October 20, 2016 in KGKP "Medical College of the City of Zhezkazgan" the festive action for students of the new set "Dedication in Students — 2016" has taken place.

 On October 20, 2016 in KGKP "Medical College of the City of Zhezkazgan" the festive action for students of the new set "Dedication in Students — 2016" has taken place.

 On October 20, 2016 in KGKP "Medical College of the City of Zhezkazgan" the festive action for students of the new set "Dedication in Students — 2016" has taken place.

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