
Meeting with veterans of the Afghan war

Meeting with veterans of the Afghan war

On February 15, 2016 – in day of the 27 anniversary from the date of a withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, traditionally, in KGKP "Medical College of the City of Zhezkazgan" the meeting with Afghan veterans has taken place. Warm and kind welcome has welcomed guests, participants of the Afghan war – Kenzheakhmetov of BakytzhanIdrisula and Almenov Bakytzhan Kambarovich.

The action prepared by forces of teachers and students of college consisted of verses on war, patriotic songs, an instsenirovaniye of departure of the soldier on war, display of videos about a feat of Afghans and, of course, moment of silence ….

Memories of participants of this war and of those who haven't come back home live, have caused a storm of emotions and a tear in the face of listeners.

The teacher of college is Cai Larissa Timofeevna, has thanked the veterans who have found the time and come to a meeting. As the eyewitness and the witness of those events, I have told about that as it was terrible and how many young people have fallen on that war.

Veterans have told children as there was the Afghan war, all truth has been heard from lips of participants of those old events. BakytzhanIdrisula – the lieutenant colonel of the Air Force of the USSR, 10 years served in aircraft, the pilot, brave and courageous, has told about difficult tasks and risky maneuvers which he made. BakytzhanKambarovich - every day, hourly, every minute, risking the life, I went as by "powder keg", delivering fuel for the remote destinations.

Students of college attentively and with interest listened to stories by veterans and actively asked questions

The principal Ranova Lyazzat Nabiyevna has heartily congratulated veterans on a holiday, has wished them good health, longevity, a peaceful sky and has given mementoes.

Meeting with veterans of the Afghan war 

Meeting with veterans of the Afghan war 

Meeting with veterans of the Afghan war 

Meeting with veterans of the Afghan war 

Meeting with veterans of the Afghan war 

Meeting with veterans of the Afghan war 

Meeting with veterans of the Afghan war 

Meeting with veterans of the Afghan war 

Meeting with veterans of the Afghan war 

Meeting with veterans of the Afghan war 

Meeting with veterans of the Afghan war 

Meeting with veterans of the Afghan war 

Meeting with veterans of the Afghan war

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