
The annual chemistry contest “Best Presentation -2018” was held

11/21/2018 The annual chemistry contest “Best Presentation -2018” was held. The purpose of the competition: increasing interest in the subject; identifying the best copyright presentations in chemistry. Students presented very relevant topics.

The annual chemistry contest “Best Presentation -2018” was held

The annual chemistry contest “Best Presentation -2018” was held

The annual chemistry contest “Best Presentation -2018” was held

АlimDilnaz and ZhangeldiZhibek told about the dangers of sugar, showing it as an experiment.

 The annual chemistry contest “Best Presentation -2018” was held

“Chinese children's toys shine with all the colors of the rainbow, but they are hazardous to health, as their dyes contain extremely hazardous substances. Therefore, the buyer must check the availability of hygienic conclusions ”, students of the group 119 LD SyrlybayNazerke and SeitzhanovaMadina began their presentation with such a report. In conclusion, they offered to buy domestic products in order to preserve the health and inculcate in children the love of national values.

The annual chemistry contest “Best Presentation -2018” was held

Masich Albina spoke about the "Role of zinc in our body"

 The annual chemistry contest “Best Presentation -2018” was held

Student group 119 LD Turmusov gave a presentation on "Prevention of hereditary diseases"

The annual chemistry contest “Best Presentation -2018” was held

Ырысбай Ақбота, Әнуарбек Мөлдір "Food Hygiene"

The annual chemistry contest “Best Presentation -2018” was held

The annual chemistry contest “Best Presentation -2018” was held

The annual chemistry contest “Best Presentation -2018” was held

The annual chemistry contest “Best Presentation -2018” was held

In conclusion, the teacher of chemistry S.S. Akhmetova presented her presentation and told about the role of the buffer system in the human body, that the acidification of the body leads to the inability of minerals, the awakening of cancer cells and viruses.

1 place- "Harm of Chinese toys"

2 place Sarybaev D, Bogachuk T "The acidity of the body"

3rd place "Food Hygiene"

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