
The explanatory work on the theme «Дін, тарих және салт дәстүр сабақтастығы».

Today, a member of the Center for the Study and Analysis of the Problems of Interfaith Relations of the Department of Internal Policy of the City of Zhezkazgan Auezov Gabdol Zhandildayevich organized a seminar for students of the Higher Medical College of the city of Zhezkazgan on the topic "Дін, тарих және салт дәстүр сабақтастығы" with the participation of employees of the Zhezkazgan Historical and Archaeological Museum. The explanatory work took place in the format of a practical presentation. Today, the urgent problem is the formation of a patriotic and loyal generation, the upbringing of spiritually strong and worthy youth. The reason is that the vast amount of information on the Internet directly influences the lifestyle, behavior and even clothing of young people. The play gave spiritual food to young people and called for them to firmly adhere to their national values.

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