
Organizational educational hour in group 254 Nursing 
The issue of religious tolerance is extremely important for ensuring the security of modern societies. Religious tolerance is the basis for ensuring the internal stability and integration of societies, keeping them from shocks, preventing the split of nations and states. Sociological studies show that the majority of young people are adherents of traditional confessions. Despite the increasing cases of transition of young Kazakhs from one confession to another, the majority of young people are adherents of Islam and Orthodoxy.
Today, in the eyes of young people, religion occupies a high position as the bearer of spiritual and moral ideals and the guardian of cultural traditions. Also, in order to strengthen statehood, maintain mutual understanding and interreligious harmony in the country, the younger generation needs to know about traditional religions, their spiritual values, works, and religious ideas.
Group curator Tusupbekova A.E.

Hits: 1917
