
On 03.03.2022, a chemistry presentation contest was held at the college as part of the Week of Natural Science Literacy.
On 03.03.2022, a chemistry presentation contest was held at the college as part of the Week of Natural Science Literacy. First-year students presented their works, choosing interesting topics and touching on topical issues in chemistry, linking them with medicine, biology and ecology.
 According to the results of the competition, the best works were selected and prizes were awarded: 
1st place - group 256 Nursing. Topic: "Қазақтың ұлттық сусыны - қымыз"
2nd place - 56 AD. Topic:"Chemistry, physics, biology in medicine"
3rd place - 132 MB Topic:"Interesting discoveries of chemistry and biology in medicine"
Certificates for participation were received by groups: 
131 MB, 134 MB, 254 Nursing, 18 dentistry.

Hits: 1687
