
Students visited the museum of K.I.Satpayev.
Students visited the museum of K.I.Satpayev.
April 12 is the birthday of the outstanding scientist-geologist, public figure, Doctor of Geological and mineralogical Sciences, professor, founder of the School of Geological Sciences and Metallogeny of Kazakhstan - Kanysh Satpayev.The glorious son of the Kazakh people embodied the best features of a scientist and a man who gave himself entirely to people in the name of the prosperity of society. He is a role model for the younger generation. Students of VMKGZH group 131 LD with teacher Almenova A.Zh. visited the museum of K.I.Satpayev at the Kazakhmys Corporation.
The students received a lot of emotions and replenished their knowledge about the man who invested a lot of work for the prosperity of the cities of Satpayev and Zhezkazgan

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