Мерекелік күніндегі жұмыс туралы бұйрық
2022-2023 оқу жылына колледжде Кеңестер құрылуы туралы
Results of the video competition "Students against corruption" in the public student club "Conscious Generation".
1st place -123 LD group
2nd place - group 251 CD
3rd place - group 15 stom
17.03.2021 year
An hour of decency on the topic “Tole bi - the founder of honesty and justice” took place in the PSE on the REM “Higher Medical College of the city of Zhezkazgan.”
The curators of the groups showed a video about the famous Tole bi.
The main ones are: impeccable loyalty to the ideals of the country, justice in power.
We held an open dialogue with students about what integrity is, what qualities a respectable and honest citizen of our country should have.