
Professional samples at the Higher Medical College of Zhezkazgan

In January, during the school holidays, professional tests were conducted with schoolchildren of the city of Zhezkazgan.     The Higher Medical College of the city of Zhezkazgan trains secondary medical workers in the specialties of "Medical care" with the qualification of "Paramedic" and "Obstetrician", "Nursing" with the qualification of "General practice nurse", "Dentistry" with the qualification of "Dentist", "Laboratory diagnostics" with the qualification of "Medical laboratory assistant". Interesting lessons with a focus on medicine were held in anatomy, chemistry, biology and physics under the guidance of college teachers G.K.Mamraeva, B.N.Igenova, Zh.O.Rakhmetova, A.R.Mukanova, M.T.Esirkep, G.B.Ibraeva.  The anatomy lesson was very interesting and informative for schoolchildren.  At the chemistry lesson, the teacher clearly showed the students how to determine the quality of food using chemical analysis, linking it with the topic of healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle.   Getting to know the effects of a healthy lifestyle on the human body from a chemical point of view was very exciting. Biology lessons were interesting with the introduction of human genetics. At the physics lesson, students learned how to measure blood pressure, learned about various physical methods of diagnosing diseases.

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