
Professional orientation for students.
On March 1, 2022, as part of the Onegeli Omir project, a teacher of anatomy and physiology  The Higher Medical College of Zhezkazgan Mamraeva Gulnar Koshkarbaevna held a conversation with students of the 10th grade of the Kanysh Satpayev Lyceum school on the topic "Мейірім мен ізгіліктің жаршысы" in order to attract the younger generation to the knowledge of their place in life, professional orientation in choosing a profession. 
Students were given advice on career guidance, choice of profession, told about the subtleties of the medical profession. The participants of the conversation received answers to their questions. Moderator: Bukharova Anarkul Orazovna. This event was very useful and was of great importance for schoolchildren.

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